Saturday, April 19, 2008

I am sorry I didn't update my blog.

Dear People-Who-Are-Reading-This,
I am very sorry I didn't update my blog. Sowwie! But I am very busy now that school started. I had a lot of time when the virus started. And that was the longest easter holiday I ever had. Becuz i was always spending time on the computer. So please forgive me! Thank you if u did forgive me or not.
Valerie, the blog creater.


Vansy said...

Valerie, I hope you have fun again as the school resumes. You should have great time with your teachers and classmates! Enjoy your school life and work hard! Mommy loves you very much! Keep Smiling

A busy mom in Bangladesh

napping_kitten said...

hey, val, your right, I wouldn't have time to work on my blog if i were you... we have millions of homework!

Valerie Pang's Blog said...

Thx mommy and i know. we are so poor jacqueling